Marc JaycoComment

Clams and Longganisa

Marc JaycoComment
Clams and Longganisa

Pork fat and shellfish is a magical combination. It marries the sea and the land creating contrast in textures, yet complementary in flavor. Its cooking liquid is perfect for dipping bread. This dish has a delicious flavor and is deceptively easy to prepare. 


1/2 lb Manila clams

3 longganisa links (preferably spicy and salty) sliced in bite-sized morsels

1 tablespoon smoked paprika

1 cup white wine

1/2 stick butter

chives or parsley for garnish



For this dish, use a pan that has a lid. Heat pan until it starts to smoke. Fry off sausages until browned. Add paprika for color and to deepen the flavor. 

Quickly add Manila clams into the pan and splash the wine into the pan. Close the lid quickly so that no steam is lost. Cook for about 2-3 minutes until clams open. Check for seasoning. Plate and garnish with chives or parsley. 

